Luring You In With the Promise Of Smut, And Hardly Ever Delivering
Friday, November 25, 2005
...So True
One night at bedtime when everyone was tired and cranky, Lulu sighed world-wearily and announced, "Time farts by.'' "Yes, Lulu,'' we replied. "It does.''
Let's pretend I have no identity outside of my children, which is partially true.
I have an eight-year-old daughter whose psyeudonym is "Lulu'' and a four-year-old son we briefly considered naming "Zebulon,'' until we realized we weren't bold enough to live with the consequences. My husband is "Regis,'' after a a National Enquirer headline from the early 1990s that read: "Cruel Regis Taunts Wife after Boobs Shrink: Joy's TV Humiliation.'' (In real life, my own boobs have never shrunk--apart from when I weaned my children--and if they did, I'd like to think my husbnd wouldn't tease me).
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