Friday, December 23, 2005

Bad Snow Day

Here's some dialogue from Lulu and Zeb's play session after they'd been trapped inside the house on a snow day. By dinnertime, they'd dragged out every toy they owned and left it on the floor. Shortly after the below incident, I yelled at them to clean up for about ten minutes until they cried. Then I apologized and we hugged it out. But they only cleaned up half.

ZEB: You want me to show you my practice? (They were playing circus).
LULU) No. Do you want to see MY practice? You have to sit down.
ZEB: No. YOU sit down.
LULU) I want to show you MY practice. Can you do this? (Does demi-cartwheel)
ZEB: No. I can do kick off shoes (kicks off Lulu's pink snow boots)
LULU) Can you do THIS? (does another "cartwheel")
ZEB) No. I can only do kick-off shoes.
LULU) Do you want to see me do gymnastics?
ZEB) (Loses interest and picks up firefighter intercom) Announces: That boy says he wants to marry you.
LULU) (Politely warning Zeb before third cartwheel) Stand back or I'm going to kick you in the face.
ZEB) (Interpreting this as a threat). No I'M going to kick YOU in the face!
One minute later...
ZEB)(in tears, but not seriously injured) Lulu kicked me the face! I'm gonna call the policeman. He says he's going to put you in jail!
LULU: Hey, those are MY boots.
ZEB: I'm borrowing them
LULU: No, Zeb. You know those are mine in real life? Right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, further proof that children are secretly tiny drunken adults. I love this. I love children's insane conversations. "That boy says he wants to marry you." How does that get in your son's brain??


8:25 PM  

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