Big Love

Somehow, the other day, after Zeb woke up at 6:30 a.m., I found myself lying on the couch with him watching a video for the Pussycat Dolls' song "Buttons'' (see "My Lumps'' entry in November 2005 archives).
As they strode amazon-like through the video, straddling chairs, then tossing them aside, Zeb exclaimed, "That boy has a lot of mommies!''
"Which boy? You mean Snoop Dogg, the rapper guy?''
"No,'' he said. "The boy that's not in the video.''
"You mean, there's some boy who has all of them as mommies, but you can't see him in the video, maybe kind of like you?''
It was Zeb's polygamy fantasy, only with mommies instead of wives.
I stop by your site frequently to check and see if you have any new posts. You post infrequently, I realize you must have a busy life. That's a good thing. But I must say that when you do post, it's worth stopping here for.
I see this is where it begins with men. I also like the creativity of the "offscreen boy."
You know, when I was in Cape Cod, I had a 5 year old hit on me. I was sunning on a dock in a lake and sat up to see this little guy in water wings staring down at me. "How ya doing?" he asked, with all the skeeviness of a 46 year old.
"Okay," I replied. "What's up?"
"I'm Mike," he responded before abruptly jumping into the water toward his parents.
The funny thing about it was that Tony had been watching the whole thing from afar and was coming over to tell me the kid had been checking me up and down while I'd been lying down. And now we have this running jole about my secret lover Mike and how he has to be in bed by 8:30.
And I agree-- this site is SOO worth checking!
Mean Old Mommy! I read a bunch of posts and laughed and laughed. I have a thing for Snoop Dogg. I put Liam's hair up in many pigtails tonight and he walked around the house saying "Yo." and "Straight outta Comptom."
Thus, for instance, a woman dreamt of herself carrying a tall flower-stalk, as in the picture of the Annunciation (Chastity-Mary is her own name), but the stalk was bedecked with thick white blossoms resembling camellias (contrast with chastity: La dame aux Camelias).. We'll be smashed if you don't! I can't leave this tiller.. His ear caught a soft rustle, a little gasp of fear; the sound of a foot moved cautiously.. She was excessively amused by his solemn air and puckered mouth, and set him down at once as fair game.. Note, further, that the emotional behavior in the dream is adapted, not to the displaced, but to the real but suppressed dream ideas.. Bourne would have preferred him for bookkeeper a moment sooner upon that account.. His exertions had quickened his breathing, but he felt strong and joyful.. Ah! I am relieved, my dear madam! I could hardly conceive a man ignorant enough to--er--er--throw away such evident good fortune--or base enough to deceive the trustfulness of womanhood--matured and experienced only in the chivalry of our sex, ha! The woman smiled grimly.. The wealth of detail, the infinite care never to let anything pass unexplained, with which he presented to the public the result of his investigations, are impressing more and more serious-minded scientists, but the examination of his evidential data demands arduous work and presupposes an absolutely open mind.. That which is rejected by the censorship is, according to our definition, in a state of repression.. 2: I am very glad you liked it! in a sonorous, clear delivery.. Well, Smiley kep' the beast in a little lattice box, and he used to fetch him downtown sometimes and lay for a bet.. I am waiting, your Honor, for the--er--withdrawal by the defendant's counsel of the word 'tampering,' as refers to myself, and of 'impertinent,' as refers to the sacred volumes.. I mean, said the Colonel, with a pained yet courteous smile, that this--er--gentleman--is in fact--er--one of my clients.. Immediately afterwards, however, there arises the recollection of another disguised and indifferent dream, which has been dreamed repeatedly by the patient, and the analysis shows it to be a dream of this same content--that is, another Oedipus dream.. I have not entered into the cognate problem why the dream thoughts also experience distortion by the censor when they abandon the progressive continuation to consciousness and choose the path of regression.. Please come and take those front suite curtains down to the barn.. Other parcels were offered and disposed of, and all the purchasers were promised immense advantages for their enterprise.. She was not sensible of any pain, but naturally combatted the view that the scene represented a desire of hers.. I think I have seen the same thing even in this city...
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